Tuesday 22 February 2011

Your lips cut a smile on your face.

While exploring studio techniques at college, one of the assignments was to recreate well known fashion images. After watching Rankins documentary 'Seven Photographs That Changed Fashion' it sparked my love for fashion photography, so when I was set this task I felt pretty confident in my knowledge of well known photographers. I decided to recreate images by Rankin and David Bailey as I am inspired and love their work along with their achievements within the industry. In the Bailey photograph the key to this photo was to get the shadows right, after playing around with the strength and positioning of the lighting I managed to get something which resembled the original which I am pleased with as it is a strong photo with lots of contrast. With the Rankin photo, I wanted to capture the 'craziness' within his face and feel I have achieved this. Using the wide angle lens I was able to create a similar effect to the original photo and bring out the detailing when adding more contrast.

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