Monday 21 February 2011

Smiles all round.

The loss of connection with the camera gives a feel of dazed and distracted, as though his mind is elsewhere, but somewhere he'd like to be giving the smile on his face. The feel of the photo co-insides with the 'day dreamer' expression, the flare which high lights his outline adds to the dreamy magical look the photo is giving off. The dark background contrasts with his pearly white smile, and the darkness in the photo suggests something much more sinister compared to his grin. My favourite part of the photo is the shallow depth of field and the outline created, I used a 50mm f1.4 lens to create this effect and think it compliments the photo beautifully. There is no meaning or purpose to this photo, it was a spur of the moment photograph where I saw the opportunity to capture the light flare.

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