Tuesday 22 February 2011

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Photography has been dominant in my life from when I can remember, being inspired by my Grandad to take photos of things I find visually appealing and having my primary school photos filled with landscapes and pieces of art work instead of friends proves this. From the moment I received my first digital camera it was attached to my hand and I was forever taking photographs, some better then others I must admit. Once I bought my first SLR my passion exploded and this is when it all kick started, with my passion to learn more I began to play around with the settings of my camera, pushing its limits and trying to get the most out of it allowing me to create beautiful pieces of art. 

I can not say there isn't an aspect of photography I love, I am always looking for new techniques and ways of photographing but unfortunately I don't have as much access to equipment as I'd like. For me, a photograph should leave you questioning what you have just seen and always draw the viewer in and keep them interested for them to study it long enough. There is that satisfied feeling you get when you've captured a brilliant photograph, especially when its portraying an emotion of some sort. Knowing that photography is the career path I wanted to take from the age of fifteen I began to better myself so I would be of a standard to start receiving jobs, my first serious job was a wedding when I was sixteen years old. There was a lot of pressure on me as a wedding is a big responsibility but my clients loved the photographs and I was pleased with the outcome. I want to reach a professional standard and be able to push myself to my limits. I believe your program would help me progress into the photographer I want to be, allowing me to explore techniques and push boundaries to achieve great outcomes with my photography. I want to have the confidence within my work to approach clients with a business head and being able to say exactly what I'm going to do and know how I want to do it.

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